Important Changes
Availability: In 2024-2025 our available/unavailable dates will no longer be listed on the website. Please contact us via email or by submitting a boarding request form to check for availability. If we are booked, we can refer clients to a handful of other reputable boarding options in the Bay Area.
Capacity Restrictions: Our capacity will be limited to 1 boarding client at a time. Board and Train clients as well as clients that are large and/or need extra management may further effect how many spots we have available at any time.
Size Restrictions: We no longer accept dogs requiring 42”+ crates as our space cannot accommodate it without major compromises. Clients must be able to sleep/rest comfortably in an XL sized Ruffland Kennel (interior length 39”) as our largest kennel option.
Rate Changes: Our regular rate is now $100/day. If you have an agreement and deposit already paid for a stay with the old rates locked in, your rate will not change for that stay!
Thank you for your cooperation!